Meet the Team


Dr Kenneth Brian Franklin
Senior Partner

M.B. Ch.B. (Bristol 1984)


Dr Susan Mary Price

M.B.Ch.B MRCGP (Birmingham 1992)


Dr Manroy Sahni

M.B.Ch.B. MRCGP (Birmingham 2017)


Dr Helen Elizabeth Meredith

M.B. Ch.B MRCGP (Birmingham 1991)


Nursing Team

Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANPs) deal with on the day illnesses; they assess, examine, prescribe and manage patients.

Health Care Assistants are trained to undertake blood tests, blood pressure monitoring, dressings and basic health checks as well as providing support for the practice nurses and doctors as required.

Sarah Hughes
Advanced Nurse Practitioner


Amanda Blagg
Advanced Nurse Practitioner

RNDip Nursing Studies, BSc Nursing Studies, RCN ALNP

Natalie Higgott
Advanced Nurse Practitioner

RNDipHE Adult Nursing

Janette Cole
Practice Nurse


Angie Partridge
Healthcare Assistant

Practice Team

Sarah Ness
Practice Manager

Margaret Cox
Assistant Practice Manager/ Secretary

Sarah and Margaret have responsibility for the day-to-day management of the Practice and will be happy to deal with any queries or comments you may have concerned the Practice. They can be contacted on 01902 893 375.

Margaret also provides administrative support for the Practice, processing hospital referrals, private letters, insurance reports, etc. They will help with any questions relating to these matters or receiving hospital results and can be contacted on 01902 893 375.

Reception and Administrative Staff

Julie Bishop
Lead Receptionist

Our receptionists are trained to help and advise you. When requesting an appointment, they will ask you for a few details about the nature of your ailment in order to book your appointment with the most appropriate clinician. All reception and administrative staff are bound by our strict rules of confidentiality.

Community Team


A phlebotomist from New Cross hospital attends the practice every Wednesday and alternate Fridays to do routine blood tests as requested by the doctors or nurses.

Health Visitor

Our Health Visitor offers services which include Child Development Monitoring, Family Support, Health Screening for the Elderly and Public Health. She can be contacted through the surgery. 

Midwifery Team

A team of midwives is attached to the Practice to provide antenatal and postnatal care in liaison with the doctors.

District Nurses

Housebound patients receive nursing care from the team of District Nurses who are attached to the Practice.

Community Matron

We have a matron working to ensure that the health and social care needs of older people in Wombourne are more joined up. This is to improve support for people at home, and before a crisis occurs.

Diabetes Nurse Specialist

This nurse works with the practice nurses for the more complex diabetes patients as well as holding clinics for those patients.

Community Psychiatric Nurses

The Community Psychiatric Nurses are all Registered Psychiatric Nurses, who provide help and support for patients in their own homes and by appointment at the surgery.

Primary Care Mental Health Workers

The practice has an attached Primary Care Mental Health Worker (PCMHW), who is trained to work with people with mild to moderate depression. If you feel it would help to talk to someone, please ask your GP for a leaflet explaining the service. Patients can self-refer to this service.