Ways to request a repeat prescription:
Via the NHS App
Via email to prescription.gravelhill@staffs.nhs.uk
In Person: complete the prescription request form (available from Reception) clearly stating the medication you require and place in either the wooden post-box in the Reception area or when we are closed please post through the outside letterbox.
Pharmacy: Please check with your Pharmacy if they are able to order the medication you require on your behalf.
In order to minimise errors, we do not accept requests for medication by telephone.
We ask patients to allow three working days for a repeat prescription request to be processed.
The NHS prescription charge is a flat rate amount which successive Governments have thought it reasonable to charge for those who can’t afford to pay for their medicines. Prescription prepayment certificates (PPCs) offer real savings for people who need a lot of medication.
Prescription charges and Prescription Prepayment Certificates (PPC).