The aims and objectives of Gravel Hill Surgery are:
- To provide safe, high quality and up to date medical care in order to prevent and treat ill health and to improve the wellbeing of our patients.
- To provide an honest, professional and efficient service which is responsive to the needs of our patient population.
- To provide appropriate care and treatment and involve patients in decision making about their care and treatment.
- For a Duty Doctor to be available daily for urgent appointments and advice.
- To provide a home visit service where appropriate.
- To provide repeat prescriptions within 72 hours.
- To promptly investigate any complaints.
- We provide information about our services in our practice leaflet and on our website.
- We aim to ensure a high quality, safe and effective environment.
- We respect our patients’ rights of confidentiality and access to their medical records.
- We encourage patients to join our Patient Participation Group and to complete Friends and Family Feedback so we can continually strive to improve the service we offer.